Case Studies
NHS Birmingham and Solihull CCG
Offer: Strategy
Topics: Cancer care, system-wide transformation

The challenge
Like all health and care systems, the performance, transformation, governance and assurance of cancer care across Birmingham and Solihull is multi-layered and complex. It involves diverse stakeholders and is driven by multiple evolving national, regional and local agendas, priorities and delivery plans.
The CCG wanted to develop a single, clear, system-wide view of the current key priorities for cancer care in Birmingham and Solihull.
In parallel, the recently established system-wide Cancer Programme Board had committed to developing, for the first time, a Cancer Care strategy for Birmingham and Solihull. The board intended to hold a strategy conference in early 2020 to kick-start the process. Recognising that the conference and the resulting strategy were several months away in their development, the CCG wanted to identify which of the system’s current key priorities they should focus their efforts on in the meantime.
What did my support involve?
- Reviewing and identifying the current priorities for cancer care that had been committed to in national, regional and local strategy, planning and performance documents
- Based on the findings from the review, defining outcome themes against which the identified priorities and actions could be aligned, and undertaking the alignment
- Presenting the findings to and carrying out a prioritisation exercise with the Cancer Programme Board to identify on which of the current key priorities they should concentrate on in the immediate short term.
Key outputs
- A short report to share the findings from the review of current priorities with the Birmingham and Solihull Cancer Programme Board
- A short report detailing the findings from the prioritisation exercise involving the programme board
- A draft operational delivery plan for one of the selected immediate short-term priorities to support delivery and governance (co-produced with the CCG), and recommendations for next steps.
Results and value
I provided the CCG and Cancer Programme Board with:
- A documented, system-wide view of the current priorities for cancer care across Birmingham and Solihull that had been committed to in various strategies and plans over the previous three years
- A draft list of identified priorities on which to focus efforts in the short term
- A template that could be used to support the co-production of delivery plans that acknowledge and build on the work already underway for each priority.
My outputs have given the CCG and the Cancer Programme Board the foundations of an approach that will help the partnership to prioritise, review and assure improvements in cancer care for the people of Birmingham and Solihull.
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